Apri and May gym meets…

There will be two gym meets in April and May.

The first is on April 28 at 2:00pm. The second is May 19, at 2:00 and 4:30.
These meets are open to all students 5 and above, and require a 40$ entry fee.
Students will perform routines that they learn in their classes, and receive awards.

Sign up today!

Announcements, Anouncements!

We will be open and classes will be held the week of spring break.
This is the week of March 12-17th.
Parents, please take note that this vaction week is a great time to schedule a birthday party for your kids! sign up now since spots are filling fast!

ALSO, we will be holding another “Glow in the Dark” Open Gym after spring break.
It is scheduled for Friday, March 23rd from 7:30-9:30.

ALSO, our first Gym Meet of the year is scheduled for Saturday, April 28th at 2:00pm. We will have more updates about the meet as we get closer to big day!

Glow in the dark gym is here!

Come one, come all down to the ‘Glow In The Dark’ Open Gym Fri, January 27th, from 7:30 – 9:30.

Our Glow in the Dark Open Gym is a fully structured and highly supervised event which includes gymnastics training as well as games and contests. The evening begins with each student being assigned to one of our large parachutes for our parachute warm up.

Then we group the children by age and rotate to all of the gymnastics apparatus including the trampoline, where they will be supervised and instructed by one of our staff members. Between rotations of gymnastics all of the children will participate in contests which include such games as flag pull and bean bag toss. At 9:00pm each child will receive a glow in the dark band. At 9:05 the lights are turned off and the gym will be illuminated by lasers.


The glow in the dark games will include scooter races and omnikin ball games, as well as turns on our inflatable slide. During all of our games the children will remain in their groups and will be accompanied by a staff member. Our Friday night open gym staff members generally include Mr. Steve, Ms. Michelle, Diane, Cindy with Mr. Ron spinning the dance music from his dj booth!

The second gym meet for 2011 is coming Dec 17th, and new Open-Gym hours too…

The second gym meet for 2011 is scheduled Dec 17th!

Twice a year Sunbelt Gymnastics hosts a gymnastics meet for all of our students. These gym meets are scheduled before the winter holiday break and toward the end of the school year. This years winter meet is on Dec. 17th. Times are 2:00 or 4:30.

Also, Sunbelt will be hosting a Open-Gym session on Dec. 9th, 7:30 – 9:30

Cost: 15.00
See Ron or Cindy for details.